a spring beading party March 3, 2022children love a ‘making’ party, and with a bit of thought and creativity, it’s easy to transform the living room into a gorgeous spring room with colourful flowers and baskets...
autumn activity - mushroom spore printing October 19, 2021a didactic exercise, a chance to learn from nature, a hands-on science class… we love it as it starts with an outdoor roaming activity in nature. lesson number one is...
germinate seeds at home June 23, 2020 the beginning of this year brought an exciting promise of an art exhibition for my artist husband, focused on seeds, spring, the cycle of nature and regeneration, and hope for...
naturally dyed easter eggs April 10, 2020 you will need a dozen organic eggs skins from ten onions, some red and some white 2 tbsp vinegar muslin or sheer nylon tights cut into 12cm squares...
on vintage and upcycling... November 7, 2019on a hot summer’s day when the children were little and we were driving back from the beach, we spotted an old toy kitchen dumped by the side of the...
mid-autumn festival September 10, 2019 the mid-autumn festival is an ancient family occasion, similar to harvest festival. celebrated in china and east asia over a full moon, this year it falls on friday 13th...